Ardennes Émeraude Business Park, a strategic business location

Based in Tournes and Cliron in the Ardennes, Ardennes Émeraude Business Park is an industrial and logistics site, offering all of the facilities required for business, including rail connection on the Calais-Bâle line

Based in Tournes and Cliron in the Ardennes, Ardennes Émeraude Business Park is an industrial and logistics site, offering all of the facilities required for business, including rail connection on the Calais-Bâle line.

Property of the Ardennes Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the park is located 5 km from Charleville-Mézières, and 2 km from the nearby Belval airfield.

With a total surface area of 82 hectares, of which 30 are available for development, "Ardennes Émeraude" offers plots from 1,500 m², at attractive prices.The area is located within the BER area, which enables companies (under certain conditions) to benefit from exemptions from social and fiscal charges that are almost unique in France, for a period of 5 years.

About twenty companies are already located there, including Geodis Calberson (freight and mail transport), Kinetec, Maximo, Rotoplus plastics recycling), Sopap... representing around 600 persons.

Within 18 months, the park will be directly connected to the A304 Amsterdam-Marseille motorway, granting rapid access to the 110 million European consumers targeted by logistics companies (within 4.5 hours by road).


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By Ardennes Développement, the Ardennes economic development agency -