Kinetec, Ardennes physiotherapy addresses the world !

Since its creation in 1975 by the physiotherapist Jean-Claude Pécheux, this Ardennes company for physiotherapy, orthopaedics and traumatology equipment has established itself as one of the world leaders in the sector

Since its creation in 1975 by the physiotherapist Jean-Claude Pécheux, this Ardennes company for physiotherapy, orthopaedics and traumatology equipment has established itself as one of the world leaders in the sector.

After the successful launch of adaptive traction-suspension frames for hospital beds, the company was the first to offer continuous passive mobilisation devices. The company grew rapidly in France and abroad. Forerunner in the sector, it expanded its range of motorised splints by focusing on the quality of its Ardennes production and by listening to medical professionals. In 2016, its splints are now smart and connected thanks to a whole new technology called Kinetec Kompanion™.

After several buyouts by American groups, in 2013 Kinetec joined the Belgian holding company Medfac, owned by Leon Spronken, owner of other orthopaedic product companies in Belgium and England, and acquired a building of nearly 4,000 m² in its land of origin in Tournes, near Charleville-Mézières. Largely an exporter (80% of turnover), the company also has commercial and logistics offices in the United States and England.

In 2016, at the international MEDICA fair, Kinetec unveiled its latest splint technology and the new range of thermoformable "Manosplint®" plates. These products, which are used to make orthotics, are different from those of their competitors due to the technique of heating but especially because of their personalisation. Indeed, the orthoses, printed according to the needs of the patient can be modelled thanks to an easily transportable dry heat oven. This small Ardennes company with 32 employees thus resolutely reinforces its innovative position and international orientation. - Twitter : @kinetecofficial @manosplint - Instagram : kinetecofficial

By Ardennes Développement, the Ardennes economic development agency -