Été Indien: digital technology serving people

Supported by French Ardennes incubator Rimbaud’Tech, Été Indien (“Indian Summer”) company devises and runs lasting and innovative health prevention programmes for “young” senior citizens by means of suited physical activity.

In concrete, Été Indien offers senior citizens appropriate exercises designed and demonstrated by professionals with group and individual sessions, thanks to online videos. Monitoring and assessment are provided using new technologies, such as connected objects, a web app and videoconferencing. The aim for beneficiaries of the method is to stay in their own homes, keep healthy and take as few medicines as possible. The young Ardennes-based company has therefore positioned itself with a healthcare focus. Before beginning the programme, users first need to carry out a fitness assessment via a digital tool (developed locally with Simplon, the coding school supported by French Ardennes Chamber of Commerce). The data collected makes it possible to remotely support the user, offer customised sessions and display progress, thereby motivating them to continue with their efforts. 25 sessions covering more than 15 hours of exercise are available on their platform. Themes include balance, heart health and arthritis.

The app is a hit with mutual insurance providers. The company is also in the progress of finalising a contract with a national organisation. Été Indien is also collaborating with the Rethel CCAS (Community Centre for Social Action) as part of the “Ma Démarche Santé” (“My Health Approach”) scheme, for preventing loss of autonomy among the elderly. The scheme consists of a 35-week programme with weekly physical meetings and additional at-home practice sessions thanks to the solutions offered by Été Indien.

The company has been awarded “responsible enterprise of social utility” (“ESUS”) status by the French government. Alongside companies like Assystel, Été Indien helps to boost French Ardennes region’s silver economy by capitalising on technological advances.



By Ardennes Développement, the Ardennes economic development agency - ardennes-developpement.com