Ardenne Ecotourism: 4 years of action already!

Ardenne Ecotourism: 4 years of action already!

After action on both sides of the border, the INTERREG V "Ardenne Ecotourism" project is coming to an end. All the project partners presented their major achievements during the inauguration of the Revin bivouac area on Friday, 2 July, 2021.

Initiated in 2017 by the Ardennes Tourist Development Agency, the Ardennes Natural Parks in France and Viroin-Hermeton in Belgium and the Accueil Champêtre in Wallonia and Ressources Naturelles Développement asbl, Ardenne Ecotourism is part of the “Ardenne Attractivity” regional strategy. Managed by the European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG) “Destination Ardenne”, "Ardenne Attractivity" aims to improve the attractiveness of cross-border Ardennes through tourism and sustainable development, by enabling sharing and partnership.

The objective of the "Ardenne Ecotourism" project is to offer services to tourists that are based on a sustainable development approach. In recent years, the operators of this project have therefore supported over 120 professionals (hosts, facilitators, site managers, etc.) towards more eco-friendly management of their activity. The project also planned to develop cross-border soft roaming trails (such as the Greenway or the Trans-Semoysienne) and to give restaurateurs the tools to more easily source products from short supply chains. Thanks to various actions, the project was awarded the Esperluette 2018 from Tourisme & Territoires, the network of departmental destinations in the Sustainable Tourism category.

With its (mon Ardenne) community which continues to grow and the support of key economic players, the Ardennes region is now shining bright in the green tourism market and is embarking on a new season and new projects. So, this summer escape to the Ardennes! (up to €100 off your stay reimbursed by the Departmental Council).

By Ardennes Développement, the Ardennes economic development agency -